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Affordable Flat Roofs in Denver

Your roof takes more abuse than any other element of your home or business. The constant heat, rain, impacts from wind debris, and even natural disasters can play havoc on your roof and without proper protection, you can kiss your investment goodbye. At In-Ex Designs Roofing, we offer affordable and effective protection through our flat roofing systems. Our flat roof solutions come in a variety of energy-efficient materials that offer fire and wind damage protection and increased curb appeal. Our team of expert installers has years of experience and will see to every detail of the installation process for the best prices in Denver County. Help your home or business stand the test of time.

Flat roof with coating

Durability You Can Count On

Today’s flat roof systems come in many varieties. The traditional tar and gravel option, also known as BUR, is built from several layers of waterproof material and fiberglass membranes. This style of flat roofing is an excellent fire retardant and is very affordable. Modified Bitumen flat roofs reflect heat and can save you money on your energy bills, making it a great insulating option. Rubber membrane flat roofs are a luxury option that is extremely resistant to impacts, flying debris, water, and weathering. No matter what roofing option you’d like, we’ll ensure the installation is done impeccably and for a fair price. We never skimp on materials and we stand behind all of our work with a satisfaction guarantee. Don’t lose sleep at night wondering if your roof might cave in at any minute! Call the roofing experts at In-Ex Designs Roofing. We’ll meet your needs and exceed your expectations.

Affordable Flat Roofing Systems

Though flat roofing is a preferred choice for both businesses and homeowners, in the past the associated costs could be prohibitive. With today’s technology, flat roofing has become much more affordable than it was even a few years ago. We work closely with trusted manufacturers to bring our clients quality flat roofing systems at the best possible prices. Whether you’re looking to protect your home from wind, rain, and snow or you want a reliable fire and impact-resistant solution, we have a flat roofing option to meet your needs and your budget. We’ve built a reputation for quality installations, effective repairs, and affordable services.

Commercial building with flat roof in Denver, CO

Quality Residential and Commercial Installations

As Denver’s leading roofing contractors, we’ve provided countless homeowners and businesses with quality roofing solutions for a fair price. Whether you’re looking for your business or your home, we can provide you with an accurate estimate for roof cleaning, roofing maintenance, roofing repairs and new roofing installations. We specialize in flat roof systems, wood and asphalt shingles, metal and tile roofing, and much more. We also can liaison with your general contractor or site manager and ensure our work is done to code and to your complete satisfaction. Reliable residential and commercial roofing is easy to be had when you call the roofing professionals at In-Ex Designs Roofing now.

Get Your Free Roofing Inspection!